Willie’s View: A Snowy Morning

willies viewWillie Shand©

In this week’s Willie’s View, “The People’s Friend” travel writer Willie Shand discovers there’s nothing quite like a walk in the snow.

It sometimes takes a lot to beat a walk in the snow.

Not that we seem to see as much snow now as we did as little as fifty years ago.

Willie's View

Willie braves the snow. Photograph courtesy of Willie Shand.

As a youngster, I always looked forward to winter and to getting the sledge or skis out for a slide down the local slopes.

Sad to think that we’re now being warned that snow on the ground may well be destined to disappear for most by the end of this century.

Whether this proves to be true or not, I doubt if I’ll be around to find out. But nonetheless, it’s a sobering thought when you consider where these changes might lead.

Willies View

A winter cap! Photograph by Willie Shand.

For now at least, though, it was nice to wake this morning and find everything white.

Nature just knows

In the garden the snow was clinging to even the tiniest branches of the trees. It’s only mid-January, and maybe a bit too soon to be looking for signs of spring. But, popping their heads up through the cold snow were little clumps of flowering snowdrops.

It’s amazing how nature just knows when it’s time to reawaken.

Willies View

Snow clings to every branch. Photograph by Willie Shand.

This year, like the snowdrops, I’m sure we’re all especially looking forward to the spring with the hope of happier times ahead.

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Looking for travel inspiration? Click here for some fascinating destinations you can try following the conclusion of the latest lockdown.

You can read more from the rest of the “Friend” team on our blog, here.


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