Willie’s View: To High Dunsinane

to high dunsinaneAlamy Stock Photo©

This week, Willie heads to high Dunsinane for the view that Macbeth would’ve known.

I dare say were it not for William Shakespeare writing his play, “Macbeth”, Dunsinane Hill would be less well-known. It’s here, we’re told, on top of Dunsinane that the witches put his mind at ease.

“Macbeth shall never vanquished be, until Great Birnam Wood to high Dunsinane Hill shall come against him.”

At only 1012 feet it’s a fine easy climb, after leaving the car at Kirkton of Collace. Today, I thought I’d revisit the old stronghold and also include a visit to its neighbour, the Black Hill. The best view is often to be found from a neighbouring hill. And that’s no less true for Dunsinane.

Far Reaching Views

From the Black Hill, we can clearly see the old trenches and workings of Dunsinane’s hill forts. They date back more than 2,000 years. Not only that, but from the summit we see across the Tay to Fife and east to Dundee.

This morning, although the sun’s shining, I’m almost lifted off my feet by the wind.

It’s strange to think that almost 1,000 years ago, we’re told Macbeth stood at this very spot. He trembled as he watched the woods of Birnam advance towards him.

Malcolm, his enemy, had ordered his 10,000 strong army to cut branches from the woods to use as camouflage!

All’s quite on the western front today, though. It’s not Birnam Wood, but those ominous rain clouds out to the north better not be coming my way!



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