Your Delivery Is Nearly Here


With the coronavirus lockdown making shopping more difficult, delivery services have been reaping the benefits.

And it’s more than just takeaways they’re transporting.

The above picture shows a series of notifications detailing the journey of my “messages” from the Co-op — store to door in about 30 minutes.

I’m not keen on making multiple shopping trips these days. This can put me in a tough spot, since I constantly seem to find myself short on milk or butter or bread.

That’s why I was so pleased to discover that some grocery stores have been branching out, and will now bring the essentials to you.

(Disclaimer: the item that required ID in the above picture was . . . lager. Possibly not an essential. But important nonetheless)

Making the best of the situation

It’s just one of the ways that businesses are trying to make the best of recent circumstances.

And one more business still going from strength to strength in difficult times?

“The People’s Friend”!

We’re delighted to be adding more and more subscribers every day, from all over the world. Our story podcast, Reading Between The Lines” is sharing the “Friend” ethos with a brand new audience.

And the popularity of our Facebook and Twitter accounts means we get the chance to chat with more of our readers than ever before.

Rest assured we’re not taking this for granted — we’re grateful to be able to keep working when so many others don’t have that opportunity.

And we’ll keep working hard to deliver a quality magazine every week.

For more from the “Friend” team, click here to read our blog.


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