Editor’s Diary: A Week Away

In this week’s Editor’s Diary, I’m sharing some of the photos I took on my recent holiday on the Isle of Skye.

It was lovely to get away from my computer for a week! We all need a break from time to time to refresh and recharge.

The Hebrides might not be everyone’s first choice for a November holiday, but Skye is possibly my favourite place in the world. And I love it whatever the weather.

Which is lucky, because I got every kind of weather imaginable in the seven days I was there! Except snow . . . they don’t see too much of that on Skye.

As the picture of the Red Cuillin above shows, there were blue skies from time to time. And even glimpses of the sun!

Sunshine and showers, of course, make beautiful rainbows, like this one over Broadford.

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Photograph by Angela Gilchrist.

When the rain clouds cleared, fluffy white ones took their place.

The scene below is the shore at Staffin.

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Photograph by Angela Gilchrist.

A trip to nearby Plockton is always a treat.

The climate there benefits from the Gulf Stream and is mild enough for palm trees to grow.

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Photograph by Angela Gilchrist.

Even in bad weather there are good pictures to take.

The Black Cuillins look dramatic against this stormy sky.

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Photograph by Angela Gilchrist.

And, of course, November benefits from glorious autumnal colours – when the mist lifts enough to see them!


Photograph by Angela Gilchrist.

For more from Angela’s Editor’s Diary, click the tag below.


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