My Editor’s Diary is a little reflective this week.
That’s because this strange new world we’ve all been inhabiting since March is showing few signs of returning to “normal” any time soon.
In fact, we seem to be going backwards right now.
All the hard-won progress of the spring and summer is backtracking rapidly as the virus takes hold once more.
It can be tough trying to keep your spirits up sometimes. Especially as winter is on the way . . .
This time last year, I was in Shanghai on the holiday of a lifetime. This year, I haven’t left Scotland. But look at how beautiful it is!
My picture was taken on my lunchtime walk on October 2nd. I hope it cheers you up — it certainly worked for me!
Those crystal clear reflections in the waters of the River Tay are stunning.
And it’s a reminder that even the colder days can be glorious.
I find that flicking back through my photos of happy times is a great tonic right now.
Here’s another one I love. It was taken last month on a short break in the Hebrides.

Photograph by Angela Gilchrist.
The vast skies and deserted sandy beaches of South Uist are balm for the soul.
And woodland walks are full of the wonders of nature, whatever the season. This one is just a few miles from home for me.

Photograph by Angela Gilchrist.
Reminding myself how lucky I am to live in such a beautiful part of the world never fails to lift my spirits.
If you’re feeling in need of a pick-me-up, there’s still time to buy your copy of our Feel-good Special — guaranteed to put a smile on your face!
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