Editor’s Diary: It’s A Small World

editors diary

If you’ve been reading my Editor’s Diary, you’ll know I recently had a week’s holiday.

It was a pretty low-key break — most things are at the moment. But it was lovely to have some time away from my screen.

Funnily enough, working from home has turned out to be more tiring than going to the office ever was. And so even an uneventful break was much needed.

I did get lucky — my time off came just before the introduction of tighter restrictions. So (such joy!) I booked a dinner, bed and breakfast stay in a favourite hotel near Oban.

Just one night, but so good to have a change of scene. And for someone else to do the cooking!

Of course, it being Scotland in November, the weather wasn’t kind. The skies were grey as Mr PF Ed and I drove west.

By the time we reached Oban, the rain was on. And it grew heavier by the minute.

After a quick food takeaway from our favourite chippy, we headed along puddled roads to our destination. The car in front of us was clearly going the same way and indicated to turn into the car park. We did the same, and parked alongside.

Such a coincidence

When the door opened, I couldn’t believe my eyes. Huddling under her rain-lashed umbrella was “Friend” Knitting Editor Liz!

Completely by chance, the two of us had independently booked the same break, for the same date. What a coincidence.

It was lovely to see her, of course, even if restrictions meant we couldn’t get together in the bar for a drink and a chat. Social distance was observed at all times!

There was one benefit to all that rain. The hotel is right next to the famous Arduaine Garden, owned by the National Trust for Scotland.

We had the whole place to explore to ourselves. No-one else was crazy enough to venture out into the downpour!

But, as you can see from my pictures, there was still beauty in the garden in spite of the rain.

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