How Do You Holiday?

Isn’t it funny how sometimes something makes you see things through new eyes?

My husband and I were on holiday recently in Spain to a resort we have been visiting for years. This time however, we had family with us who are not as familiar with the area as we are. We were also going in July, a busier time than we usually choose.

This meant that we found ourselves doing more “touristy” things than usual as we drove to favourite harbours, mountain villages and beauty spots and returned to much-loved restaurants and trod familiar paths.

I found I had forgotten just how lovely the area is! Seeing someone else’s pleasure in visiting, and watching them see things for the first time made everything seem new to us, too.

Going at a busier time made a difference, too. Restaurants and attractions that are closed in quieter times were open and there was a bustle that is often missing earlier in the year. The sun was a constant in the sky, too. (Though it has to be said anytime we visit the weather is better than the UK weather.)

It was a great break the perfect combination of old and new and we managed not to fall out either. It got me thinking about the way people holiday.

Do you always visit somewhere new and never return to the same place twice? Or are you someone who loves the familiar and goes back to the same place time and time again?

We are a bit of both. We have favourite places to return to but we do like to find new destinations, too. Even returning to our favourite area, we do like to seek out places we haven’t visited before.

There is a comfort in knowing where you are going. We self-cater and know where the supermarket is, how to get into town, where to park etc.

However, we had great fun last year in a new area where nothing was familiar. Admittedly, we did nearly fall out when trying to navigate the roads to get there and finding the apartment at nearly midnight by little more than the light of the moon was interesting. But waking up the next morning in a new place is a great experience . . .

Or maybe you don’t agree?

The new or the familiar which do you prefer? What have been your favourite holiday moments or your least favourite? We would love to hear from you . . .


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