Our Kirsty Goes To Amazing Alicante


I’ve recently been on a lovely trip to Alicante in Spain . . . and I’m dying to tell you all about it!

Learning Spanish

I am very lucky to have been travelling to Spain since I was about two and a half years old (oh, I remember when when those halves, quarters and three-quarters were very important!).

We always went to a lovely town called Playa San Juan, just outside of Alicante. This was because my stepdad had a flat there. Every school holiday we would head out there. My stepdad was a headmaster and my mum a teacher so we got lots of holidays!

I learned Spanish at that early age – taught by all of the Spanish kids I played with – and I did it at school and later at Uni. I have been persuaded to run a “learn to speak Spanish” session for all of our staff who may be interested, which I am going to run in January and ask people to make a donation to Aberlour. But that is too much of a digression!

Plans For Holiday:  Relax

After a busy year, we decided to have a very relaxing holiday and that is exactly what we did.  We caught up with friends that we have out there and went to the beach and pool. Having lunch at one of our local restaurants, the menu of the day was so tremendous that we had a siesta (under a parasol on the beach).  You can only see the remains of what was an amazing paella!

We also visited a pizza restaurant (Popeye pizza) which has been there for as long as I have been visiting. The same owner has always been at the helm, making pizzas for all that time.

It really is lovely to go back and see all the friendly faces that have been part of my life for so long. I just wish that I still had the same amount of holidays as when I was at school!

Some Suggestions If You Visit Alicante

We did not venture into Alicante itself this time as there was too much relaxing to be done! I can highly recommend Alicante for a visit – the castle is spectacular and offers amazing views across the city and the waterfront.

If you love shopping then you will not be disappointed, there are lots of independent shops, as well as El Corte Inglés department store.  And if bars and restaurants are your thing, then you are in for a treat, too!  If you do visit, then I recommend a day boat trip to Tabarca – a small island with fantastic scenery and clear blue water (snorkeling is highly recommended). I also must insist that you try patatas bravas and pimientos de padron tapas.


Well, I suppose that I should get back to work now, but do let us know if you have visited Alicante or if you live there – we know we have lots of readers who live overseas.

Hola! To All Of Our Subscribers Who Live In Spain

If you live there or know someone that lives there and want a subscription, we can help! A subscription to “The People’s Friend” is €128.82 (Euros), and you can either call us on Freephone 0800 318 846 (UK) or +44 (0)1382 575580 (Overseas) – note our Contact Centre is open from 8am to 6pm, Mon- Fri and 9am – 5pm, Saturday (UK times) and you can buy in Euros.  Or pop online to our shop (note online you will pay in sterling and it will be £114).

You can also subscribe to The People’s Friend Special and our Pocket Novels.


Si vives en España or conoces alguien que vive alli y quieres una suscripción a la revista de “The People’s Friend”, podemos ayudarte! Una suscripción a “The People’s Friend” cuesta €128.82, y puedes llamarnos en +44 (0)1382 575580 (numero para estranjeros) – nuestros lineas estan abiertos desde las nueve de la mañana hasta las seis de la tarde (hora español!) lunes a viernes o las 10 de la manana hasta las cinco de la tarde los sabados y puedes comprarlo en euros.  Si queries comprar online click aqui (pero nota que tendras que pagar en libras y sera £114).  Tambien puedes obtener una suscripción a la revista “Special” y a las cuentas del bolsillo.

Click here to read more about our travels.

Kirsty Matthews

Kirsty heads up the marketing for all of the DCT Media magazines. Kirsty has the very exciting job of telling the right audiences about the magazine wherever they may be and on whichever channels they interact with. It is fair to say it keeps her busy, but not always out of trouble! Kirsty loves getting out in the fresh air, exploring Scotland as well as other parts of the world and speaks fluent Spanish.

Our Kirsty Goes To Amazing Alicante


I’ve recently been on a lovely trip to Alicante in Spain . . . and I’m dying to tell you all about it!

Learning Spanish

I am very lucky to have been travelling to Spain since I was about two and a half years old (oh, I remember when when those halves, quarters and three-quarters were very important!).

We always went to a lovely town called Playa San Juan, just outside of Alicante. This was because my stepdad had a flat there. Every school holiday we would head out there. My stepdad was a headmaster and my mum a teacher so we got lots of holidays!

I learned Spanish at that early age – taught by all of the Spanish kids I played with – and I did it at school and later at Uni. I have been persuaded to run a “learn to speak Spanish” session for all of our staff who may be interested, which I am going to run in January and ask people to make a donation to Aberlour. But that is too much of a digression!

Plans For Holiday:  Relax

After a busy year, we decided to have a very relaxing holiday and that is exactly what we did.  We caught up with friends that we have out there and went to the beach and pool. Having lunch at one of our local restaurants, the menu of the day was so tremendous that we had a siesta (under a parasol on the beach).  You can only see the remains of what was an amazing paella!

We also visited a pizza restaurant (Popeye pizza) which has been there for as long as I have been visiting. The same owner has always been at the helm, making pizzas for all that time.

It really is lovely to go back and see all the friendly faces that have been part of my life for so long. I just wish that I still had the same amount of holidays as when I was at school!

Some Suggestions If You Visit Alicante

We did not venture into Alicante itself this time as there was too much relaxing to be done! I can highly recommend Alicante for a visit – the castle is spectacular and offers amazing views across the city and the waterfront.

If you love shopping then you will not be disappointed, there are lots of independent shops, as well as El Corte Inglés department store.  And if bars and restaurants are your thing, then you are in for a treat, too!  If you do visit, then I recommend a day boat trip to Tabarca – a small island with fantastic scenery and clear blue water (snorkeling is highly recommended). I also must insist that you try patatas bravas and pimientos de padron tapas.


Well, I suppose that I should get back to work now, but do let us know if you have visited Alicante or if you live there – we know we have lots of readers who live overseas.

Hola! To All Of Our Subscribers Who Live In Spain

If you live there or know someone that lives there and want a subscription, we can help! A subscription to “The People’s Friend” is €128.82 (Euros), and you can either call us on Freephone 0800 318 846 (UK) or +44 (0)1382 575580 (Overseas) – note our Contact Centre is open from 8am to 6pm, Mon- Fri and 9am – 5pm, Saturday (UK times) and you can buy in Euros.  Or pop online to our shop (note online you will pay in sterling and it will be £114).

You can also subscribe to The People’s Friend Special and our Pocket Novels.


Si vives en España or conoces alguien que vive alli y quieres una suscripción a la revista de “The People’s Friend”, podemos ayudarte! Una suscripción a “The People’s Friend” cuesta €128.82, y puedes llamarnos en +44 (0)1382 575580 (numero para estranjeros) – nuestros lineas estan abiertos desde las nueve de la mañana hasta las seis de la tarde (hora español!) lunes a viernes o las 10 de la manana hasta las cinco de la tarde los sabados y puedes comprarlo en euros.  Si queries comprar online click aqui (pero nota que tendras que pagar en libras y sera £114).  Tambien puedes obtener una suscripción a la revista “Special” y a las cuentas del bolsillo.

Click here to read more about our travels.


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