I was back in the stomping ground of Rob Roy at the weekend – out by the Braes o’ Balquhidder. It was actually Inverlochlarig at the end of the long, twisting and narrow singletrack road that I was heading for but you can’t come this way and not stop at the old Kirk of Balquhidder to say hello to Rob in the passing.
Admittedly, I only meant to stop for five minutes but, being such a nice day, I was soon lured along the path leading to the quiet of the Kirkton Glen. Before I knew it, I was standing at the top of the wee hill of Creag an Tuirc.
This is MacLaren country and, enjoying the views from the top of the hill, looking west along Loch Voil and Loch Doine, this is the perfect spot to contemplate some of the clans’ distant feuds – some amusing; others that might still set the hairs on the back of your neck on end.
It was in a duel against a MacLaren at Kirkton that poor Rob met his end. For many, the journey to Balquhidder ends at Rob’s grave beside the old kirk. How much more though you’ll find if you keep on going out to Inverlochlarig.