The Kinross Show

It’s the time of year that the rural shows are all in full swing, and we’re just coming up to one of our local highlights – the Kinross Show. Back in 2014, Willie paid a visit to it on our behalf…

If you’d seen the torrential rain on Friday afternoon at 4 o’ clock you might have had serious doubts for Kinross Show to be held on the Saturday. With Britain expected to catch the tail end of Hurricane Bertha that swept through the Caribbean last week, there must have been a few officials had a worrisome night. They needn’t have though for Saturday turned out to be a great day and, save for the odd threatening dark cloud looming in the west, it stayed pretty much dry and sunny for the whole day.

2014 saw the 184th year for Kinross Agricultural Show. This was the third year that it’s been staged at the new venue of Vane Farm. It’s a super location for it too, enjoying far-reaching views over Loch Leven and pretty much most of the County beyond.

With pens of cattle and sheep, Shetland ponies to Clydesdales; the well supported dog show, Highland dancers, pipers, lots of vintage tractors as well as dozens of tented stalls, it all makes for a great day out. There were some really imaginative displays in the Flower Show tent; my favourite being a horse’s head made from a welly boot.

The Rural occupy the largest marquee with, as ever, a huge entry of home-made produce and some colourful community craftwork displays. A highlight of the day is the Grand Parade when the cream of the stock is led round the arena. For locals it’s obvious that one of the show’s greatest attractions is simply being able to meet up with friends and acquaintances, the show date being permanently pencilled in the diary for the second Saturday in August.

They were lucky. The next day it was to pour from morning to night! What is it they say though – once Kinross Show’s past, it’s just doon the hill tae winter.


This year the show takes place on Saturday, August 13 at the RSPB Centre on Loch Leven. Visit for more information. 


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