The River Devon

Just a few minutes’ walk from home takes me to the spectacular gorge of the River Devon. It’s a walk I often take and especially when there’s likely to be a lot of water in the river. At one point, the full force of the Devon squeezes through a narrow gap of less than a couple feet, plunging into a dark pool before spilling over falls into the Devil’s Mill.

It’s a wild place and with the roar of the water echoing around the rocky ravine, one might well imagine Auld Nick could be lurking in its depths.

Beneath the falls trapped stones rumble away all the while making a noise like the clack of a mill wheel turning. It’s the Devil’s, of course, because it even works on the Sabbath!


Willie Shand

The River Devon

Just a few minutes’ walk from home takes me to the spectacular gorge of the River Devon. It’s a walk I often take and especially when there’s likely to be a lot of water in the river. At one point, the full force of the Devon squeezes through a narrow gap of less than a couple feet, plunging into a dark pool before spilling over falls into the Devil’s Mill.

It’s a wild place and with the roar of the water echoing around the rocky ravine, one might well imagine Auld Nick could be lurking in its depths.

Beneath the falls trapped stones rumble away all the while making a noise like the clack of a mill wheel turning. It’s the Devil’s, of course, because it even works on the Sabbath!



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