Everyone in the “Friend” Team is really delighted to be welcoming Abbie Phillips as our new Poetry Editor.
I’d like to take a moment to thank everyone who has submitted poetry since I joined the team at the start of 2018.
It’s been a privilege to be your Editor, and I’m happy to be handing over to someone who’s really enthusiastic about all kinds of poetry.
Read Abbie’s post on the haiku here.
As we move through these uncertain times, poetry — like the “Friend” — can be a great comfort and consolation.
Here are some poems from our Archive, to cheer you in the days and weeks ahead.
Trust (1945)
So often anxious cares and fears
Have laid my spirit low,
I grope my way along life’s road
When threatening storm winds blow.
The sky is clouded, mists obscure
Familiar things around…
And then I raise my eyes above,
While hope again is found
In one bright star which gleams with light,
To bid my soul be strong,
And live for others as I go,
Altho’ the way be long.
No longer then I doubtful move,
But forward up the hill,
A smile upon my lips, I know
That God is with me still.
– Edith A. Vassie
A Ray Of Sunshine (1918)
Have a ray of sunshine
Always in your heart,
That to those around you
Cheer you may impart.
You are passing many
On life’s gloomy way
Who are sighing, longing,
For a cheering ray.
Have a ray of sunshine,
Send it wide and far
Through life’s dreary lowlands
Where the cheerless are.
It may be that some one
Wandering through the gloom
Might behold your sunray
And be guided home.
– Anon.
Wives And Daughters – Helpers’ Motto (1904)
“When things in the world about you
Seem some way going wrong,
And clouds shut out life’s sunshine,
Then sing some cheerful song.
Some blithesome and happy measure
Will lighten life of care,
And give us strength for the burdens
That all of us have to bear.”
– Anon
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