A Light Between Oceans Episode 21

Characters from A Light Between Oceans.

“I’ve never been in such a glamorous car in my life.” Sandy smiled as Lucas started the engine and fiddled with the air vents.

“What a surprise this is!”

“I thought it would be fun to go beyond Belmouth a bit, so that meant a hire car. Have you been to the Smuggler’s Watch?”

“I haven’t heard of it,” Sandy admitted. “When I come here it’s to see Hattie, and restaurants aren’t quite our style.”

“It’ll be another surprise, along with the drive.” Lucas smiled, shifting the gears to negotiate the climb up the narrow streets.

Soon they were above the town and purring along the coast road.

A delicate billowing mist had begun to drift over the surface of the water, and Sandy gazed out of the window, an unexpected peace coming over her.

“You’re deep in thought,” Lucas remarked quietly.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” Sandy apologised. “How rude of me.”

“Not at all. It’s nice to see you looking so serene.”

“I was just thinking of something my father used to say about being on watch at the lighthouse.”

“What was that?” Lucas replied.

“He said that the picture is never the same twice – that it constantly changes.

“He used to say, ‘Never two days the same; never two moments the same’.”

“That’s wonderful. I have a feeling he saw more in that changing picture than the average person would.”

“Yes, I think he did.” Sandy smiled. “He saw it with an artist’s eye.”

“He was artistic?” Lucas asked.

“Yes. He painted.” Sandy nodded. “Though I’ve never seen any of his pictures.

“Because of family circumstances he ended up as a lighthouse keeper.

“He kept painting, but his pictures disappeared. Hattie said she never knew what happened, but she suspected he destroyed them when my mother died.”

Lucas fell silent and Sandy was grateful.

It was disconcerting, the way she kept finding herself talking so freely to him, but it eased her mind that he had let the sad thoughts settle, with no attempts to change the subject.

“I have a feeling he was a special and sensitive man,” Lucas said finally. “Were you close?”

“I suppose we were. He was quiet, but I felt very loved. I miss him terribly.

“Of course, I was lucky to have Hattie to look after me.” Sandy felt the tension gathering inside and he shot her a concerned glance, as if he’d read her thoughts.

“I’m sorry about all that’s happened, and what I said about Hattie. I had no right to speak against her.

“I hope you like the restaurant,” Lucas continued. “Here we are.”

He’d turned off the main road and on to a single track drive, and as they drew closer Sandy saw a sprinkling of fairy lights glinting in a grove of tall trees and lush shrubbery.

Nestled amongst them was a little building that looked almost like a tree house, with different levels and open staircases reaching up through the branches.

“How enchanting, Lucas. I had no idea such a place existed!” Sandy exclaimed.

She forgot the dark thoughts that had filled her mind as she gazed up to the windows.

To be continued…