A Light Between Oceans Episode 25

Characters from A Light Between Oceans.

“I can’t help thinking about your Dutch background, though. That somewhere inside it must be an important part of who you are.” Sandy said.

Lucas was pensive for a moment.

“Maybe that’s part of this whole mystery. As for my father, I accepted him as a loving, kind father and husband who worked hard to build up the art supply shop and provide for us.”

He went quiet again, a look of haunted sadness flooding his face.

“But he was an artist. And from what I can see – and from what that gallery owner said – a remarkable one.

“Why did he hide it?” He shook his head.

“He had an extraordinary gift, Lucas,” Sandy replied.

“But how on earth did you know the painting was of Belmouth?”

“After I bought it I began doing research. I looked at stacks of papers and letters of my father’s that had been stuffed in a filing cabinet for years.

“I discovered that, before the war, my father was an art dealer, buying and selling paintings in Holland, Germany and other cities across Europe.

“Between 1939 and 1945, his whereabouts were unknown, though I know he travelled abroad, as some of his letters to my mother had British stamps on them.

“Eventually I wrote to Trinity House with a photo of the painting. They told me which lighthouse it was, along with the extraordinary coincidence of it being for sale.”

“Is there a date on the painting?” Sandy asked.

“Is that why you’ve been so intent on finding out about Belmouth during the war?”

Lucas let out a long sigh, then his eyes darted towards the desk, where the concierge was tidying things away.

He looked intently across the foyer in Lucas and Sandy’s direction.

“Oh, Sandy,” Lucas began. “There’s so much more I need to tell you, but it’s late. I should get you back to Hattie’s.

“Please promise to keep this a secret from her for the moment. You’ll understand why once I’ve explained more.”

He moved his chair closer to hers and reached for her hand.

“I don’t want this evening to end.”

His hand encircled her fingers and she felt its warmth and gentleness.

She looked into his eyes.

“Hattie still worries about me, bless her. She might be waiting up for me.”

Lucas glanced at his watch.

“And in about two minutes there’s going to be a showdown with that concierge, and my hire car is going to turn into a pumpkin.

“Can we go somewhere tomorrow and spend the day exploring?” he asked.

“I can tell you more about the research I’ve done on the drive back.”

Sandy smiled.

“I’d love that.”

They stood, and as he slowly drew her hand to his lips, a wave of warmth flooded through her body.

“It seems,” Lucas began, “that my world has been turned upside down in more ways than one.”

So has mine, Sandy thought as she smiled into his eyes.

He wrapped the painting in the tissue and slid it into the bag, then he put his arm round her shoulders and they walked out into the starlit night.

To be continued…