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Jane Hatton stepped out of her home on Eastgate Row, closed the door behind her and paused to take a look at the adjoining family shop. Over the bow-fronted window, a faded boarding proclaimed this to be Hatton’s of Chester, Master Tanner and Provider of Supreme Leatherware, in tarnished gold lettering.
“Letter from America for you, Grace.” Henry Telford smiled as he waggled the letter just out of her reach. Grace resisted the urge to snatch the letter from Henry, who’d been the postman for this village as well as three others on the North Yorkshire moors, since before she was born. He tapped the postmark. “Looks like New York City. The Big Apple. Ever been there?”
Sorry, darling, you know how it is – showbiz.” Archie Fisher’s words echoed in May Maxwell’s ears as she peered through the wrought iron railings bordering the manicured gardens of the Villa Lombardi. There was no-one around. She wasn’t even sure she was in the right place. The late morning sun beat down on her back and she was glad she had chosen to wear her biggest straw hat. Her flimsy sundress afforded little protection against the fierce Mediterranean sun and she could feel her skin prickling in protest.
Alison Carter
Teresa Ashby
Beth Watson
Pamela Kavanagh
Mark Neilson
Sarah Batten
Moira Gee
Katie Ashmore
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Rebecca Holmes
Deborah Siepmann
Mark Neilson
June Davies
Katie Ashmore
Pamela Kavanagh
Katharine Swartz
Suzan Lindsay Randle
Katharine Swartz
Margaret Mounsdon
Pamela Kavanagh
Anne Stenhouse
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