Rabbit Charity On How To Look After Rabbits As Pets
This Rabbit Awareness Week (“RAW”), the theme is: “Will you make room for rabbits?”. We’re taking a look at the Rabbit Welfare Association & Fund charity’s tips on how to look after rabbits.
They’re small, cute and easy to look after, but keeping a rabbit healthy and happy is a big responsibility. Sadly, Britain’s third most popular pet is also one of the most neglected, according to the charity Rabbit Welfare Association & Fund.
The charity believes that rabbits are widely misunderstood. Rabbits are intelligent, sensitive animals. However, they are often left in the care of children, who may not have enough knowledge to care for them properly.
“Every year in the UK around thirty-five thousand rabbits are handed into rescue centres simply because people are not aware of the commitment they are making, or the care a rabbit needs to keep it happy and healthy,” Lucy Ross, Head of Training at ethical retailer Pets Corner, said.
“Rabbits need plenty of space, such as a spacious and secure run, so they can get the necessary exercise. A hutch is simply not enough. Many people underestimate this essential requirement as they see rabbits as small animals and therefore think that they need less space.
“Rabbits are also sociable creatures and like fellow bunny company, so they should be housed together rather than alone. There is a real danger they will become lonely and depressed, otherwise.
“This means you will be making double the commitment to care for two animals. You should not only consider space but also the financial investment involved. As rabbits have a life expectancy of up to fifteen years, owning one is a long-term commitment and should be considered very carefully.”
Bunny Bits
- Rabbits make great pets for teenagers and adults.
- They are intelligent, and house-rabbits can be litter-trained.
- Although they look cuddly, most rabbits don’t enjoy being picked up.
- A happy rabbit will perform “binkies” – high-speed jumps for joy.
- There are many rabbits in rescue centres in need of good homes.
Visit RAW’s Facebook page for lots of helpful tips about how to create a great environment for your bunnies!