Have a bit of fun this week and crochet a prickly pot plant!
The Technical Stuff
Our prickly little plant is worked in two yarns, Robin Double Knit in Forest and Rico Design Creative Bubble in Iridescent White. The Rico yarn adds sparkle and interest to the piece and can be ordered from www.woolwarehouse.com. For details on your nearest Robin Double Knit stockist, please visit www.tbramsden.co.uk.
In addition to these yarns you will need polyester stuffing, floral foam, a cocktail stick and a 3.5 mm crochet hook.
Finally you need a pot. This can be either a small cardboard pot like the ones used for potting up cuttings, a decorative ceramic pot or yarn to crochet a pot (we include instructions). If you want to create your own pot, you will need a 3 mm hook.
We have marked this as intermediate just because the instructions need you to create a horizontal ridge by working into the back loop of each stitch. It is not difficult and we have included a diagram so you can try it out first.
Other stitches used include chain, double chain and half treble.
This is taken from the book, Crocheted Succulents by Emma Varnam which is available at a special price for readers. Full details on how to order are in the magazine.
Meanwhile we have this little cactus to keep you going.