Our opening story of this week’s sneak peek (and issue!) is “The Talk Of The Town”. Written by Pamela Kavanagh, it’s set in the early 1900s.
With Michaelmas Day approaching, who will be crowned this year’s Blackberry King? It doesn’t look to be Will, a newcomer, who seems none too enamoured with the tradition! Hope you like Jim Dewar’s lovely autumnal illustration (above).
Mary’s Barr’s “Guerrilla Gardening” is our next story. A pharmacist discovers a passion for “guerrilla gardening”, thanks to an idea planted long ago by a beloved grandmother.
“Season’s End” is by debut “Friend” author and this week’s Writer Of The Week, Catherine Baird. A student returns to Greece to help her mother run the family restaurant. But now the season is coming to an end . . .
Our next story is “That Friday Feeling”, by Annie Harris. Samantha has moved to a big city for work, and for the first time finds herself feeling lonely. Kirk Houston has illustrated this story for us.
Next, it’s a “Hopewell” story, and one that sees bookshop owner’s wife Heather share exciting news! “One Of Their Own”, by Rebecca Holmes, is illustrated by Ruth Blair.
“Set In My Ways”, by Lisa Allen, tells the story of a grandma very, well, set in her ways . . . Until her daughter, son-in-law and grandson arrive, that is!
Set during World War II, our final story this week is “Love On Loan”, by Laura Tapper. Enid is reluctant to take in an evacuee, as it’s a painful reminder that the children she’d hoped for are not coming . . . with a charming illustration by Mandy Dixon.
It’s the concluding instalment of Alison Carter’s “A New World” this week. With Christopher at sea, when will he have the chance to see his new child? Illustrated by Sailesh Thakrar. We’ll have a brand-new serial starting next week!
And in Part Four of “May The Best Team Win!”, Brad’s former colleague has turned up. But why? Gerard Fay has illustrated Katie Ashmore’s six-part serial for us.
A phone call leaves Dan wondering if his family is right, in Della Galton’s “Paw And Order”.
And in Glenda Young’s soap, “Riverside”, Mary gives Carol some food for thought.
If this sneak peek has left you wanting more, don’t worry! Our new issue is in shops soon.
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