Welcome to this week’s Fiction Ed’s blog.
This week, we have news of two submissions opportunities for established ‘Friend’ authors.
155 Years Of Opportunities For Authors
This year, we’re celebrating 155 years of ‘People’s Friend’ fiction.
Since our very first issue in 1869, “The People’s Friend” has supported new and aspiring authors.
Our recent Writing Bursary Competition is an example of that continuing tradition.
The competition is now closed – thanks to every one of the 650+ entrants. Wishing everyone the best of luck!
This week, let’s move the focus slightly, to our established authors – and two submissions opportunities.
Our Summer Bookazine
We’d like to invite submissions now from established ‘Friend’ authors, for our upcoming Summer Fiction Bookazine.
Our bookazine will be perfect for summer reading, for taking on holiday, or relaxing in the garden.
We’re looking for forty stories with a summery theme, set in the UK or abroad.
The themes and genres we’re looking for are: summer (including holidays); romance; cosy crime; and historical stories.
Stories Welcome Now
Word counts we’re looking for are 2000, 3000, and 1000 words, and Long Read (9,500 words).
Please send to your assigned editor, with ‘Summer Bookazine’ in the file name.
These stories are over and above the five-story rule, and each author can send multiple stories.
Please send stories to your assigned author as soon as possible, no later than March 11.
The Magic Of Christmas
We’re also commissioning now for our popular ‘Magic Of Christmas’ bookazine.
I’m looking for stories with a Christmas theme and a contemporary setting.
Word counts are 3000, 2000 and 1000.
Stories can be sent in now, and again, the five-story rule doesn’t apply.
Our ‘Magic Of Christmas’ Bookazine has an upbeat, feel-good, modern tone.
Writing For The ‘Friend’
We’re looking forward to receiving your submissions.
Payment is on acceptance.
We reserve the right to first publication; copyright remains with the author at all times.