Digital Publishing And The ‘Friend’

Young smiling woman holding cup of coffee. She's wearing headphones and looking at phone.Shutterstock / Inside Creative House©

Here on the Fiction Team, our primary task is to work with new and established contributors, to provide the best possible mix of stories for our readers.

As we look to the future, one possible avenue for ‘Friend’ fiction is to make it available on digital platforms.

This is with the intention of getting our fiction out there to a wider audience.

The hope is that this, in turn, will make more readers aware of the quality fiction available in our print editions.

Friend Fiction On Digital Platforms

We’re currently testing some web-based fiction on digital platforms.

‘Friend’ Editor, Stuart, has some thoughts on this below.

From Our Editor

“You may have noticed that some pocket novels have been appearing on various online platforms in recent weeks.

As with many industries, the world of publishing is evolving at a rapid pace and with that comes the opportunity to look at taking a fresh approach, to complement our much-loved print publications.

As per the terms of our contributor contracts, DC Thomson has the ability to repackage and repurpose material in a number of different ways so we are currently experimenting with bringing our published work to new audiences, who perhaps would not have encountered it before.

‘People’s Friend’ fiction content will be appearing on several web-based reading services in the months ahead, so if you see these, please do not be alarmed.

They are part of the testing phase we are currently working through.

We hope you agree that this is an excellent opportunity to showcase the wonderful work of you, our writers, and we will be keen to share any feedback we get with you.”

Get In Touch

As always, if you have any questions or if I can help in any way with queries, please be in touch –


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