Features Ed Blog: Writing Features For The “Friend”

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Features Ed Alex gives an update on writing features for the “Friend” and submitting them.

The submissions page on our website now sports an update on the process of submitting features to the mag: www.thepeoplesfriend.co.uk/guidelines

We’re asking folk to get in touch with us first with their idea, by email, and then we can take it from there. We’ve taken this step for a couple of reasons, which I just wanted to let you know about.

The main culprit is, of course, the pandemic. We’re back in the office one day a week at the moment, but it’s for the first time in two years and we’ve only been in occasionally to pick up mail.

We’ve not been able to process features as we used to, but we’ve done our best to keep up. Doubtless some things have gone astray in the postal system during that time, so do let us know if you sent something in and have heard nothing back – we’ll see what we can find out.

But big piles of mail will be hard for us to handle from now on. Emails we can deal with at home, and we can get back to you at any point during the working week. Plus if you can email us, it means those who really can’t get to a computer and won’t see this post and unknowingly send stuff in by mail will be easier for us to spot and get back to.

More Than Ever Before!

The other reason is that we’ve got more features in the magazine than ever these days! Which is great for the readers, but does mean that we’re planning a long way ahead. And that we have a lot of work in the pipeline. It’s absolutely best, then, to check with us that your idea hasn’t been covered before – or is something we’re planning on covering.

We’d hate for you to put all the work in if it’s something another writer has already covered!

So, just jot down a few lines about your idea to the email address listed on that page: peoplesfriend@dctmedia.co.uk – and make it clear in the subject line that it’s for the attention of the Features Team. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible, and thanks for bearing with us over the last two years!

Read more from Features Ed Alex – and the rest of the team.




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