Fiction Ed’s Blog: News About Our Workshop

Fiction Ed, Lucy, has news for anyone interested in our Online Short Story Writing Workshop.

News About Our Workshop

Regular readers of the “Friend” will have seen our Online Short Story Writing Workshop advertised both here on our website, and in the magazine recently.

Our ‘in-person’ Short Story Writing Workshops have proved popular in the past.

And our latest, online, workshop – taking place on May 25,  is no exception.

It’s now fully booked.

If You’re Taking Part

If you have registered to take part and received confirmation of your place, we look forward to seeing you online, on Wednesday, May 25.

Fiction Ed, Lucy, will be joined by established “Friend” author, Alison Carter, and we’ll be delighted to share our knowledge of all things “Friend” Fiction.

Numbers Will Be Limited

Numbers on the day will be limited, and there will be a maximum of 24 people taking part.

We hope that limiting the numbers will mean everyone has more than enough time to enjoy the day, and ask all the questions they need.

If You’d Like To Take Part In Future Workshops

We’re so sorry if you were hoping to take part, but haven’t been able to secure a place on this occasion.

If you’d like to register your interest for future workshops, we are taking names now.

Then, should a future workshop be being planned, we’ll be in touch.

You can email us to let us know you’d be interested in at:

Registering Interest For Future Events

If you decide to email us to register interest in any future workshops. there’s no obligation, and no cost.

And if, at any time, you should change your mind about being on the list, that’s no problem  – we’ll simply delete your details.

You’ll be welcome to register again at any time.


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