Have You Signed A “People’s Friend” Contract?

Everyone who has a story, serial, or poem featured in “The People’s Friend” is asked to sign our Standard Contributor’s Contract prior to publication.

Our Legal Team has worked hard to put together a contract that’s both transparent and fair. If you’re a contributor, we ask that you read it carefully before signing, to ensure you’re happy with the terms and conditions we offer.

Here’s a basic guide to explain what you’re agreeing to when you sign our Standard Contributor’s Contract.


Your contract is a welcome to the world of “The People’s Friend”. The “Friend” depends on its readers, of course, and also the contributors who provide entertaining content.

How Much Will You Be Paid?

When we offer to buy your piece of work, we state exactly what it is we’d like to buy, and how much money we’d like to offer you.

In exchange, you are granting us the rights to publish your piece of work for the first time anywhere in the world, in any format. You’re also giving us the rights to publish it again in the future, on paper and online, in any format. The copyright to your work remains yours.

Pocket Novel authors also retain the right to re-publish their novel, once it’s been published by us.

Can We Change What You’ve Written?

We do retain the right to edit; in practice, this usually means your work can be shortened or lengthened to fit the available space. We know how important your work is, so our Production Team try to handle this sensitively. Find out more about editing here.

When Will Payment Be Made?

When a piece of work is bought, we pay on acceptance, not on publication. For short stories, £80 is the starting rate, £110 the top.

Our short story rates are explained here.


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