Is It Too Early To Send In Christmas Stories?

Christmas stories

 It’s June, so here on the “Friend” Fiction Desk, thoughts are turning to the longest day, Wimbledon, and . . . Christmas stories!

If you have a Christmas-set story, or one with a New Year theme, now’s the time to send it in.

Why do we need Christmas stories so early?

We need time to read, consider, purchase and illustrate your story, as well as to put it into the Production process. So the more time we have, the better.

We’ll begin planning Christmas content for our weekly issues, and our Specials and Annuals, very soon. It’s a lot of work!

Let us know your story has a Christmas theme

When submitting your story, it’s helpful to us if you can mark the envelope with “Christmas Story”, so we know exactly what’s inside.

We need Christmas poems too, please

We also need Christmas-themed poems. Traditional and faith-based poems are especially welcome for our weekly magazine, and for our little Fireside Book and the always-popular Friendship Book.

Light-hearted or humorous Christmas poems are popular with readers of our Specials and our Annual, too.

We often have a double issue at Christmas time, so we need lots of poems on a Christmas theme.

Christmas Pocket Novels

Pocket novels with a Christmas-y theme have gone down well with our readers in the past.  We’re looking for submissions between 39,000 and 42,000 words.  Take a look here for some hints and tips on writing a “Friend” Pocket Novel.


Guidelines for fiction, poetry and Pocket Novel submissions can be found on our website.


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