Off To Edinburgh Writers….Again

The three River Forth bridges

I’m off to conduct a workshop at Edinburgh Writers shortly. Lovely: another trip on a train. That sounds sarcastic and it’s not meant to be: train travel is a real pleasure, especially compared to the increasing irritations of air travel.

The train journey from Dundee down to Edinburgh is a scenic gem, especially once you get down to the south coast of Fife where the line runs along the north shore of the Firth of Forth. I always try to get a window seat on the correct side of the train, and sit with my nose pressed to the glass.

And then we cross probably my favourite bridge in the British Isles, the majestic Forth Rail Bridge. Sorry, Tay Rail Bridge, you’re special, too – but the grandeur and might of that Forth crossing is something else.  And of course I’ll have a fine view of our new Queensferry Crossing as I go. Not been across that one yet.

The workshop is on dialogue, and the writing club members will then go off and write short stories that I’ll be judging in due course. It’s one of the many perks of this job, the chance to interact with writers at all different stages of their writing careers. It’ll also be nice to say hello again to “Friend” regular Kate Blackadder, who of course I saw just recently for our own People’s Friend writing workshops in Dundee and York. And also I’ll have chance to catch up with Anne Stenhouse, currently writing her second serial for us. Her first, if you remember, was one of those short listed in our serial writing competition. It’s very satisfying to see her working on another for us.

I’ve mentioned in an earlier blog that this is Edinburgh Writers’ 70th anniversary year, and I’ve been told to expect up to thirty members tonight, which shows that the club is still very much thriving.



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