We are delighted to meet debut author, Elizabeth Egginton, whose story “Ribbons And Lace” appears in our upcoming issue.
Tell us about the inspiration behind “Ribbons And Bows”.
I have my grandma’s sewing box and I’m fascinated by the contents, some of which goes back to her mother’s generation, like Edwardian boot buttons. Everything was kept in case it came in useful! It kickstarted me collecting vintage sewing items and old scraps of ribbons and fabric. I feel old sewing boxes and button tins tell a story about women’s lives in the past. I also find the “make do and mend” culture from wartime very inspirational from a creative point of view, people came up with some fantastic ideas!
Have you been writing fiction for a while?
On and off since I was a child. My brother and I used to create big crowds of characters and give them adventures using Lego and other toys. As I got older I started writing things down more, but this is the first time I’ve submitted something.
Who are some of your favourite authors?
I enjoy anything with a mystery! That includes detective series, but also authors like Rachel Hore and Lucinda Riley who have a historical and a modern day plot side by side, usually involving someone learning more about their family history.
What are your future writing plans?
I have a few more short story ideas so I’ll start with those. It’s amazing the ideas you get once you start brainstorming. For example I recently bought an old cookbook with a ton of cut out magazine recipes inside, so I might try something inspired by that!
What advice would you give writers hoping to be published?
Just go for it, you’ve got nothing to lose! Don’t just have an idea, get it down on paper (or screen!) I sent in my story straight away before I had time to change my mind.
Thank you, Elizabeth and here’s to many more stories!