Writers’ Rights At “The People’s Friend”


We ask every author and illustrator who has their work published in “The People’s Friend” to read and sign our standard contributor’s contract, which outlines their rights.

We’ve endeavoured to ensure that our terms and conditions are as fair and as clear as possible.

When can you expect to be paid?

Here at “The People’s Friend”, we pay on acceptance — so when you receive an email from us to say that we are buying your story, poem, or illustration, you can rest assured that your payment is already underway.

This is continuing despite the current coronavirus situation. We’re trying to keep everything as close to normal as we can.

As soon as your acceptance email is sent, our Admin team normally send out two copies of our Standard Contributor’s Contract.

These are posted to you, and a stamped, addressed envelope is enclosed so you can return one signed contract to us. The other copy is for your own reference.

A slight (temporary) change to the usual procedure

And here’s where there’s one small change to the usual procedure.

As it’s not currently possible for us to post out contracts, we are emailing new contributors their contract.

We’ll ask you to respond by email, stating clearly that you have read and understood the terms and conditions we offer, and accept them.

A paper contract will then be sent out once we’re back in the office.

What are our terms and conditions?

It’s important to note that your contract is a legally binding document, which you should read carefully prior to signing.

Put simply, we’ll be clear on what it is we’d like to buy, and how much we’ll pay.

We retain the right to publish your work for the first time anywhere, and in any format. We also retain the right to reuse your work, and to edit, although this will always be done sensitively.

Who retains the copyright?

As the contributor, you retain the copyright at all times. We will also acknowledge you as the author or illustrator of the work in question.

For pocket novel authors: you retain the rights to publish your novel again, in its original format (not our subbed format), as soon as we have published the novel.


Your contract is also a welcome to the “Friend” family.

Our readers mean a lot to us, and the “Friend” means a lot to our readers, especially in these uncertain times.

We couldn’t put the magazine together without our team of contributors, and your stories, poems and illustrations are appreciated.

Any questions?

If you have any questions about your rights as a contributor to “The People’s Friend”, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

We’re always happy to help!

For more from Lucy, read her blog here.

Click here for some of our fantastic fiction content.


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