Your Submission Questions Answered


Hello! Your PF team is now into week two of working from home and so far so good. We’re just going to answer some of the submission questions that have been popping up.

Here goes . . .

Who can email stories to you?

Known authors. That’s writers who have had a story/stories already published in the “Friend”.

I’m a known author so I’ll just email my story?

Not straight away. Email your editor (the person you normally send your stories to) and give them an outline of your story first.

Why can’t I just email my story?

Fiction Ed Lucy needs specific story lengths/genres/word counts for our weekly and Special story mixes.

Our system at the minute is running smoothly, but things are understandably taking a little longer than usual. So if we can have a detailed outline of your stories, it really does help us figure out where it might fit.

What about writers who haven’t been published?

Please continue to send your submissions by POST to our usual address. We’ll hopefully be back in the office at some point soon, and we’ll read them then.

What about serials?

If you’re currently working on a serial for us, please continue to email each instalment in accordance with the agreed deadline.

What about pocket novels?

It’s the usual process for submitting Pocket Novels. Always include a synopsis with your first three chapters.

How will we know what you need?

Lucy will periodically post on our website about our requirements, and there’ll be updates on Twitter letting you know if we need anything specific.

Thank you very much, and please bear with us over the next wee while. Your PF team are working hard to get the best magazine in the world out to you every week!

And if you have any more submission questions, remember to keep checking back here!

For more from Fiction Ed Lucy, read her blog here.

Subscribe to “The People’s Friend” here.


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