Maddie Grigg Pays A Visit

Alex and Maddie Grigg standing in front of the Meadowside DC Thomson building in DundeeAlex Corlett.©

Maddie Grigg pays a visit to Dundee in this week’s blog from Features Ed Alex.

Whilst we were sorry to hear that Maddie’s planned winter trip to California wasn’t going to happen, it was good news for us that she’d be coming up to Scotland instead. Along with Mr Grigg and the dogs, of course.

A few weeks earlier, Maddie had asked if it was a risky venture travelling this far north in winter. Honestly, you never know these days. My photo app on my phone constantly reminds me of what I was doing this time last year, the year before and so on. Flicking back through the last few years, there were some Februarys when the sun had shone and the grass had never stopped growing. And there were some when we were unable to leave the house for a week thanks to snow. It could be risky, was the best I could say, but…er…it might not.

Ironically, California has been suffering from severe snowstorms recently, whilst the weather here has been fairly settled. Looks like they made the right choice!

This time last year.

Out For Lunch

Thankfully, my unhelpful advice wasn’t enough to stop them! The Griggs came north and stopped off first in Berwick. After driving up to us that morning, Mr and Mrs Grigg stopped in at Dundee. Sub-ed Jacki and I met them down the road for a bite to eat and a catch-up. Chatting about travel plans, village news and whether or not everybody in the column knows their “code name” (they do!), the time just flew by.

It must’ve been odd for the pair, you would think. We had the advantage, having read so much about their lives before meeting. Maddie’s been writing for us since 2015 – can you believe it? Her copy comes to me each week with a number on it, and I’ve just taken delivery of episodes 410 and 411. Over 400 episodes and counting!

We’ve met them in person before, for a hectic evening celebrating our 150th anniversary in London. But that was a different mood. Calmer and quieter, with a chance to properly talk. It was lovely.

For the Griggs, it was a just a pit-stop, with plans to head off quickly up north. The dogs had been loving the beaches along the East coast, and we assured them that there were more treats in store…

We stopped for a quick selfie outside the office, pointed them in the direction of the Desperate Dan statue and wished them well on their journey. Here’s hoping we see them again soon.

Read about how Maddie found writing for us in this chat with Yvonne from the Features Team.


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