Writer Of The Day: Bshash Mubarik

writer of the day

Our next Writer Of The Day is Bshash Mubarik. Bshash’s story, “The Music Of The Night”, appears in our 155 Anniversary issue, on sale now.

Your story “The Music Of The Night” is descriptively written. Is this an easy process for you to undertake?

I was lucky enough to visit Tobago once and imagined myself there. I hoped it would make the story feel more real.

At the end of the story, there are different paths open to the main character, Sally. Was it important to leave the readers to make up their own minds as to what could happen next?

I didn’t want to tie it all up too neatly. In considering her options, I wanted to show how Sally had become more independent.

What types of books, fiction or non-fiction, do you like to read?

I enjoy both, although mainly fiction. There are few pastimes that can match escaping into a good story. I enjoy reading the work of so many wonderful writers: Anna Vaught, Andrew Taylor, Agatha Christie, Anne Perry – and those are just a few of the As!

What are your writing ambitions for the future?

I would love to have more work published. I am currently on a writing course with the fantastic Jericho Writers group, who have been so supportive.

Notebook and pencil or laptop? Kitchen table or study? Blank wall or inspiring view?

All of the above, but I do feel lucky that I have a beautiful view of some trees that constantly seems to change.

​What’s your one top tip for aspiring writers?

Never give up because there is a place in creative writing for everyone.


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