Writer Of The Week: Alyson Hilbourne

Alyson Hilbourne

Our Writer Of The Week is Alyson Hilbourne. Alyson’s story, “Saving Grace”, appears in the February 8 issue.


You created engaging, colourful characters in “Saving Grace”. When you write, do some characters jump out from the page more than others?

Definitely. In this case it was Angus who first appeared in my head, followed by his brother, William. I liked the idea of a strong but taciturn ex-soldier who was obviously struggling to find his place in the world again.


Do you know when you have written a good story, or is there always an element of doubt?

Always an element of doubt. I can’t think that any writer would be certain of what they’ve written. However, if a story works out with a satisfactory ending, I usually expect it is OK. I used to plan short stories meticulously, but now I tend to jump straight in. Needless to say, some don’t work out…


If you could be any fictional character for one day, past or present, who would it be and why?

Oh, easy. Well, fairly easy. I’d definitely like to go with the Pevensie children through the wardrobe into Narnia. Not sure I’d want to be any of the children, though, but “The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe” has always been one of my favourite reads. It’s a book I return to over and over.


What one thing do you love most about fiction writing – also, any dislikes?

I love disappearing into another world and working with my characters – I find this especially with historical fiction, where I will often disappear down a rabbit hole looking up clothing, food or trade for a certain time period. What I dislike is when I feel a story isn’t up to scratch once I’ve finished it, especially if I felt the story had a good initial premise.


Do you actively look for story inspiration, or wait till it strikes?

Both, I think. An idea often comes from reading a book – any sort of book. A single line can spark an idea.


If someone wanted to write for the “Friend”, what advice would you share?

Read an up-to-date version of the magazine (or two or three). I think the style of the stories has changed over the years I’ve been writing for the “Friend”, and maybe stories I’ve sold in the past wouldn’t be accepted now. It’s worth persevering, too. I still give a whoop whenever I sell a story.


Thanks Alyson!

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