Writer Of The Week: Anne Holmes

writer of the week

Anne Holmes is one of our new contributors, and this week’s Writer Of The Week.

Her story “The Secret Ambition” is in this week’s issue.

Where did the idea for “The Secret Ambition” come from?

The idea for “The Secret Ambition” came from a picture given to me as a writing prompt at the writing class I attended in Leeds last year.

The picture was of a couple who looked to be in their early sixties, sitting cuddled up on a sofa. I decided he was Michael, who had just retired and wanted to fulfil an ambition of learning to crochet. Which was completely the opposite of his working life as a motor mechanic!

How long have you been writing fiction?

I initially began writing fiction in 1999, but sadly work got in the way!

I began again in 2017 when I took early retirement from a 36-year career as a civil servant.

Since then, I have attended various local writing courses, and also the “Friend” Serial Writing Workshop which was held in London in September 2019.

Who are your favourite authors?

My favourite authors are Peter James, who writes crime stories set in Brighton, and Peter Robinson, who is also a crime writer but his novels are set in Yorkshire.

What are your writing ambitions?

I would love to have a pocket novel published for “The People’s Friend”!

I haven’t written it yet, but I have some ideas for the story!

I’ve have also spent the last two years writing a novel, but there is still a lot more work to do yet before it is finished.

Notepad and pencil or laptop? Kitchen table or study? Blank wall or inspiring view?

Notepad for ideas. Laptop for creating the story, usually with a view of the front garden!

What’s your top tip for aspiring writers?

As I’m still an aspiring writer, I would say get writing. It can always be amended and polished later!

I would also recommend attending a writing course, whether it is online or one held locally, post-Covid restrictions.

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