“Writing Is A Solitary Business”

“No matter how much an author loves writing, she needs inspiration in order to produce good tales – sometimes it comes from unlikely sources. I get my ideas from newspaper or magazine articles, from overheard conversations (sneaky, but interesting!), radio programmes, through travels, by simply watching people, via photography and from quotes. Pictures are a great source, because if you have a vivid imagination just looking at a picture can stimulate the idea for a complete story.

“The easiest and fastest part of writing is the basic story. After that, working through it a second or third time to make it presentable is a drag. Writing is a solitary business. A lot of authors write before anyone else gets up, or when everyone else has gone to bed!

“I’ve always loved writing and DC Thomson published my first Pocket Novel over eight years ago. I still remember the day the acceptance letter arrived. It was on my birthday, and I couldn’t quite believe it! That first story led to multiple PN publications, large print versions, hardback, short stories,Pocket Novelsin Germany, and serials in Finland and Norway.

“My previously published ‘People’s Friend’ Pocket Novels include: ‘Spanish Eyes’, ‘True Colours’, ‘A Summer In Tuscany’, ‘Love OfA Lifetime’, and the one out this month ‘Perfect Harmony’. I hope you enjoy it.

“My family is the most important thing in my life. Writing comes a close second. I’m married with two grown-up children. My daughter was born in Liberia where we lived for over four years. I’ve worked for third-world fishery projects, taught in language schools, translated a number of books, helped produce the English supplement of a German magazine and was part of the team that published ‘Who’s Who In Germany’. I’m a booklover and I read all kinds of books – they open one’s mind to a world of fantasy, as well as sometimes being thought-provoking and instructional.

“When I was growing up, the arrival of the ‘People’s Friend’ magazine was eagerly awaited. It was my mother’s favourite. Although it was a Scottish-based magazine, and we were Welsh, there was always something special aboutthe’PF’that made it a countrywide ‘must have’, and it still has its faithful followers today. I’m sure my mam would have done a flip-flop to see I’m now writing and publishing Pocket Novels for the ‘Friend’.

“One of the most rewarding experiences is when a reader contacts me. It’s a pleasure and a boost – especially if I get nice comments! You can contact me via my homepage – www.wendykremer.de – and I’ll always look forward to hearing from you!”


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