Story Starter: The Old Station

I haven’t given you a story starter to inspire you for a few weeks, so here’s another.  This wee station stands on the main east coast rail line between Dundee and Aberdeen, where it passes through our seaside resort of Broughty Ferry. It’s disused now, but isn’t it charming? They don’t show in the first pic because they’re right below where I stood to take it, but steps come up the bank on this side of the line, though access is blocked off now, and on the other side they climb up just to the right of the station building. See below? Black wrought iron railings, fresh green woodwork … and the cottage forming the top storey of the building, in the third pic. There has to be a story here, don’t you think? Still looking for 2000 words or 3000.  Or, of course, it may that this particular picture gives you an idea for a serial…

Station 2


Station 3


Writer of the week: H. Johnson-Mack Writer of the Week

Writer Of The Week: H. Johnson-Mack

Writer of the Week: Kitty Lydia Dye Writer of the Week

Writer Of The Week: Kitty-Lydia Dye

The People's Friend Poet of the Week: Pamela Blood Writer of the Week

Poet Of The Week: Pamela Blood

The People's Friend Fiction Team at Christmas Submissions

Merry Christmas, From The Fiction Team!