Story Starter: Under Construction

Will this week’s story starter have you writing?

This is a massive block of flats under construction down at Dundee’s riverside. Their front windows look out over our Silvery Tay across to Fife. Look right and it’s up to the rail bridge with its tragic history. Left, down to the road bridge, heavy with commuters every weekday morning and evening.

This block is one of three being built along that stretch, all equally massive. And not the prettiest architecturally speaking.

Their rear windows look down on the railway line. The main east coast line heads over the river, south through Fife, Edinburgh, and beyond, all the way to London. But trains also head west towards Perth and Glasgow.

Seeing is believing?

But what struck me when I saw them and the sheer scale of them, is what about the flats that used to have that lovely river view? Older flats, Dundee’s typical tenement style. Just three, at most four, floors from the ground to rooftop. They haven’t a hope of seeing anything past these.

It’s like being the short person in the all-standing crowd at a concert.  That happened to me, actually. Mr Fiction Ed and I went to see Robert Plant playing at Perth Concert Hall. All standing, no seats. All these tall guys gathered at the front and I couldn’t see a thing. And I’m not especially short.

So when I say we went to see Robert Plant – not a chance. Heard him, that was all. And actually, even I did better there than Mr F.Ed. because it was packed and crowded and ever so warm. Too warm for him. He went to sit outside in the foyer, and hardly heard a thing!

So, a whole bunch of random thoughts there, prompted by the skeleton of a new-build. Of course, that might make you think of actual skeletons and set you off writing a dark thriller!

Did you miss last week’s story starter? Read it here for even more inspiration


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