Does Shirley’s latest Writing Prompt give you a taste for writing a story?
Mmmmm. Apfel strudel and vanilla sauce, with a cappuccino on the side. Is your mouth watering? Mine is because I can remember what it tasted like! Tangy apple. Squishy sultanas. Sweet pastry. Creamy smooth sauce. Ooh, what I’d give for another bowlful right now.
Can you make out the cafe name on the crockery? Cafe Reichard. It’s a slightly old-fashioned, charmingly traditional cafe practically in the shadow of the immense Kölner Dom: Cologne Cathedral. They’re the only cafe I know of that still has waitresses in white pinnies. And they all wear sandals with white socks. I’m not sure if it’s fashion thing, or their uniform, or for comfort.
They have more tables outside than in, with fleece blankets on the seats for when it’s a bit nippy. It’s a thing they do in European cities, but sadly I suspect they couldn’t do it here without the blankets all being nicked.
We usually pop in for coffee, or hot chocolate – and sorry, that sounds a bit jet-setty name-droppy. You know: “Oh, whenever we’re in the Maldives…” But there are budget flights from Edinburgh and it’s an easy and convenient city break. And I could say it’s work since I take photographs for here…!
What’s the story?
Is it about city breaks? The table looks like it’s set for one: is it about independence, being brave, plucking up courage, going it alone?
Is it about breaking a diet to indulge in a sweet treat? Reward?
Is it just a story set in Germany in general? Cologne in particular? Another German city with its own story?
A youngster working abroad for the summer?
A period story? That paper doily in the silver salver speaks of another time.
It would be nice to retain the European connection, because stories set outwit the UK are always refreshing.
Over to you!