Writing Prompt Story Starter: Rainbow

story starter

As you may know from last week’s story starter, I spent some time in the lovely East Neuk Of Fife recently. It’s somewhere I’ve gone on happy family holidays for nearly twenty years.

During our stay, the weather was mostly dry and bright — spring-like.

One afternoon, we headed to Crail harbour and spotted this rainbow.

I thought it might be an appropriate story starter this week for a couple of reasons.

Firstly, have you seen the rainbows in the windows? Children are painting, drawing and designing all kinds of rainbows and placing their efforts in windows, to cheer everyone in this time of worry.

What a lovely thought. It possibly began in Italy, where the slogan “andra tutto bene” — everything will be fine — accompanies the artwork.

Secondly, the rainbow is a signal that there’s always sunshine after rain. However uncertain things seem at the moment, it won’t last for ever.

The sun will come out, and we’ll get through this difficult time, together.

A splash of colour

And it goes without saying that in the Bible, the rainbow represents a promise made, and kept.

So, I hope our rainbow helps inspire your story writing this week.

Perhaps it’ll make you think of sunshine after rain; happiness after sadness.

A splash of colour. Children’s paintings. Promises.

Spring showers. Pouring one minute, sunny the next.

And if you look closely, you’ll see just a hint of the double rainbow that appeared seconds after this picture was taken!

Good luck with your writing this week.

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In essence, if you haven’t yet had a story published in the “Friend”, please submit by post as normal. Published “Friend” authors should email their assigned editor in the first instance, before submitting.

You can choose another Story Starter from our Archive by clicking here.


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