Writing Prompt Story Starter: Remembrance

Field of red poppies.Shutterstock©

Every week, in “The People’s Friend”, we feature seven brand-new short stories.

No two can be similar in tone, storyline or theme.

They can’t feature similar characters, or locations, or be too similar to either of our on-the-go serials.

And while some stories can be suitable for ‘any time’, some follow the rhythm of the year and are more seasonal.

At the time of writing, it’s November – mild but stormy, and approaching Remembrance Sunday.

So this week’s Prompt is Remembrance, and reflection.

Different Tones

Every week, I schedule a ‘mix’ of seven different stories, which will feature in a given issue.

We also look for a mix of tones – funny, light, thought-provoking, poignant, compelling, heartwarming.

Our readers welcome stories with humour – which it’s fair to say is most welcome after a trying couple of years for everyone.

There’s also a place for more reflective stories. Around the world right now, many people’s thoughts are turning to reflecting, and remembering.


We welcome poignant or ‘grittier’ stories, with the proviso that they end on an upbeat, positive note.

Stories about Remembrance are welcome, although we only need a maximum of one or two each for our weekly, Special and Annual.

Our readers enjoy stories with a nostalgic tone. It can be helpful to think about the years our readers would’ve been going to school…growing up…getting married…having careers and families.

We can feature bereavement and loss in our stories, again, as long as the overall message is positive and the resolution upbeat.

If you’re planning a story with a reflective or nostalgic theme, think – will this story appeal to our reader? Will it feel relatable? Will it end with a smile?

For now, thoughts on the “Friend” turn towards Sunday, and Remembrance.

“At the going down of the sun and in the morning

We will remember them.”


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