Writing Prompt Story Starter: Reunions

story starterShutterstock / Robert Kneschke©

For this week’s Story Starter, I’ve chosen the theme of reunion.

Now that travel restrictions have been lifted here in Scotland, I’ve finally been able to make plans to go to England to visit my family – after almost nine months apart!

I’ve never gone so long without seeing them. I just can’t wait to finally see them in person again, even if it is socially-distanced in the garden or a park!

It got me thinking about reunions. In a way, I’m lucky it’s only been nine months. Some people will have to wait longer.

Happy reunions

Separating your characters could be an interesting way of adding conflict to your story.

Perhaps the characters are separated by war or circumstance?

A soldier going off to fight in The Great War, leaving a fiancée behind, or a mother finding work in another country to provide for her family back at home.

Does the main character bump into an old flame? Are they happy about it or do they want to run for the hills?

Recently, I saw a video of a gorilla greeting a man who had cared for him before they released him back into the wild. Be warned! Tissues are necessary!

In these circumstances, the story might end with the happy reunion and the rest of the story would build up to it.

Not so happy reunions

But not all reunions are happy ones. Don’t forget there’s the dreaded school reunion!

It’s perfect conflict in a story.

Perhaps the main character is trying to get over their anxiety and feelings of low self-esteem when faced with the prospect of seeing their seemingly more successful schoolmates again.

Or is there a possibility of meeting an old bully? Has the bully changed at all? How will the main character cope with it now they’re older? Was the main character the bully, now ashamed of their past behaviour?

Some family reunions can be drama-filled, too!

What about a long-lost relative showing up on the doorstep?

In this case, the reunion would be the jumping off point in the story and the resolution is up to you!

Alternative endings

Of course, it could be the other way around – perhaps a story starts with a happy reunion but things don’t go well.

Or maybe the story ends with a parting of ways. . .

However, we prefer a happy ending here at the “Friend”!

To choose another “Friend” Story Starter, click here.


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