Writing Prompt Story Starter: Sweater

story starter

The theme of today’s story starter: being creative. Adding embellishment.

I saw this sweater and liked the little twiddly bits that had been added. I intend to shamelessly steal the idea and try something similar on a plain sweater sometime.

Some people would like that sweater plain and classic. Some would think it needs those fancy additions.

And it’s the same all around us, isn’t it?

Gardens that have been turned over to mono-block paving and tubs, or are all grass and regimented flower borders. Gardens that are stuffed full, a riot of haphazard colour. Garden gnomes and wishing wells and solar-powered fountains . . .

We each have our own individual take on perfection.

Hair. Make-up. Fashion. Cars. Food. Even sandwiches. For me it’s hard to beat cheese and pickle, but others would think that’s boring and demand the whole BLT with multi-layers and dressings.

Hot chocolate with or without cream. Ice cream with or without sprinkles.

Do you think it reflects a person’s character? I like cheese and pickle, and I’m a pretty no-nonsense kind of person.

And yet I want to add those sweater twiddles . . . Does it represent that we’re all multi-faceted?

New themes

I feel a whole new raft of themes coming on . . .

Hidden depths. Unexpected character traits. Blossoming personalities.

A bit like the stereotypical secretary who unpins her hair, substitutes contact lenses for the sensible specs — or dons a super stylish sparkly pair — and turns from low-key cygnet into sensational swan.

I’m winging it now, but career change popped into my head. From a woolly sweater with some colourful squiggles embroidered on it.

Isn’t it wonderful how the imagination takes flight if you give it time and space?

It’s over to you to see where your imagination takes you, and, as always. we look forward to seeing where you arrive!

To pick another story starter from our back catalogue, click here.

Read Shirley’s blog here.


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