Finally, we’ve launched our Fiction Newsletter!
It should be in your email inboxes this evening.
We’re proud of the story we’re using to launch it, which was first published in the “Friend” back in 1906!
Plus there’s loads of other great Fiction content in there for you to enjoy.
Your thoughts on the Fiction newsletter
We’re really keen to hear what you think about it. Did you like the story? Are there stories maybe from back in our Archives that you’d want to see in future editions newsletters?
Is there particular Fiction advice and support you would like us to share?
Now is the time to get involved. You can help us shape our new newsletter to exactly what you want.
We’re keen to include some author interviews, too. Who would you like to hear from?
Our fiction is what we’re famous for, so it makes sense we’d want to bring you even more of it than we can squeeze into our magazine, or on our website.
Send us a message on Facebook or tweet us to let us know!
If this all sounds very interesting to you — and you haven’t already — why not sign up to our Fiction Newsletter by clicking here.