Story Starter: Serial Writing Workshop

serial writing workshop

Nope, you’re not in the wrong place. This is my Writing Prompt Story Starter for this week: the group who attended our first serial writing workshop.

All in all, 23 ladies attended the event in our Fleet Street office.

I think it’s the first time, or certainly one of the few times, when it’s been all women.

Usually there’s at least one man attends our writing workshops. I’m not sure if that says anything . . .

The women were a mixed group.

Some I knew well, if only remotely by email and letter.

Natalie Kleinman, who’s had many short stories and pocket novels published by the “Friend”. Laura Tapper, who’s just at the beginning of her “Friend” writing career.

Elaine Everest, who was celebrating her first acceptance. It’ll be published next month in Special no. 182, on sale October 23.

Francesca Capaldi, who first came to our attention when she entered our serial writing competition and was short-listed, and then published, in 2017.

Who else? Oh, yes, Sue Cook, who mostly writes short stories. They’re often quite humorous, though she, too, has written a successful short serial for us.

It’s For Everyone

I guess the point I want to make here is that “The People’s Friend” serial writing workshop is for everyone.

You might be an experienced serial writer ,and yet want a greater understanding of how they work.

You might be a short story writer wanting to make the step up to serials — and it is a step up; it’s a whole different discipline.

You might be a novel writer, wondering how the serial structure differs.

Alison Carter was on hand to offer her expertise as an established serial writer, and as usual she brought a special energy and enthusiasm to the day.

In terms of Story Starter theme, I’m thinking aspiration, ambition, artistry. How about you?

There are still just a few places left for our second Serial Writing Workshop date on September 25.

See you there?

For more Writing Prompt Story Starters, click here.

Do you have a story or a serial you want to see in print? Click here to read our submission guidelines.


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