NaNoWriMo no more!
The writing marathon has come to an end.
How did you do?
Are you sad, mad, or relieved that it’s over?
Did you manage to reach your target?
Was it the 50,000 word goal, or did you set yourself a personal goal as a NaNo Rebel?
As you will know from my previous posts on NaNoWriMo, I ran out of literary steam in the last week.
Now I have had time to reflect, I am proud of what I achieved . At least I came away with the 21k badge, if not the big one!
The whole point of NaNo, for me, was to get into a regular writing practice.
Now that the pressure has been lifted, I have the freedom of writing for enjoyment.
Keep Momentum Going . . .
If you have enjoyed rediscovering the writer within, then now is the time to keep the momentum going.
There are plenty of competitions to enter, and other writing challenges to get involved in.
The Advent writing challenge is one idea I’m going to explore, the premise of which is to write something every day during Advent.
There are variations on the theme. You will find more information on Tumblr, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.
In the meantime, remember to follow the “Friend” on Twitter and Facebook to keep up to date with all things fiction-related.
We will be starting a fiction newsletter soon, too — look out for that.
It will contain writing tips and tricks, pointers on writing for the “Friend”, and even exclusive giveaways!
Happy Writing everyone!
For more from the “Friend” team, read our blog here.
For top advice about writing for our magazine (or writing in general), click here to visit our Fiction pages.
You can catch up on Sharon’s NaNoWriMo journey by clicking the tag below.