On The River Earn

The winter weather can often keep us indoors but when you have the promise of a good winter’s day – dry, clear and sunny, it fairly makes you feel like dusting the cobwebs off the boots and going for a walk.

That’s what I did today, although I didn’t venture all that far from home, taking myself for a walk along the banks of the River Earn between Muthill and Crieff. The track is just six miles long but, as I ended up doing it doing it both ways, it ended up nearer to twelve. On the whole walk, apart from in the streets of Muthill and Crieff, I never met another soul – plenty sheep and a few ducks, though.

Part of the way follows the line of the old Crieff / Gleneagles railway. The lines have long since been lifted but the cuttings, embankments, wee stone bridges and the piers of the River Earn Bridge are all still there to be seen.

Not all of the embankments you’ll pass were made for the railway. Some have been built to keep the river in check. The River Earn can occasionally burst its banks to spread far across Strathearn’s fertile farmlands. Thankfully not today though, as she, too, seemed happy to take her time and enjoy the fine day.


Willie Shand

On The River Earn

The winter weather can often keep us indoors but when you have the promise of a good winter’s day – dry, clear and sunny, it fairly makes you feel like dusting the cobwebs off the boots and going for a walk.

That’s what I did today, although I didn’t venture all that far from home, taking myself for a walk along the banks of the River Earn between Muthill and Crieff. The track is just six miles long but, as I ended up doing it doing it both ways, it ended up nearer to twelve. On the whole walk, apart from in the streets of Muthill and Crieff, I never met another soul – plenty sheep and a few ducks, though.

Part of the way follows the line of the old Crieff / Gleneagles railway. The lines have long since been lifted but the cuttings, embankments, wee stone bridges and the piers of the River Earn Bridge are all still there to be seen.

Not all of the embankments you’ll pass were made for the railway. Some have been built to keep the river in check. The River Earn can occasionally burst its banks to spread far across Strathearn’s fertile farmlands. Thankfully not today though, as she, too, seemed happy to take her time and enjoy the fine day.



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