All About Hidden Sugar

iStock_000055491108_Large Orange sugar in fruit

The latest nutritional advice on fruit juice states that the experts may have got it wrong.

Far from being a healthy and safe choice, some fruit juice actually has as much sugar content as a can of fizzy soft drink.

If you like a glass of fruit juice to start your day and don’t want to give it up, try diluting it with water to cut down on the sugar. Or eat an orange instead and have a glass of water with it.

Bear in mind that one 8 oz glass of orange juice contains 112 calories and 21 g of sugar, whereas a whole orange has only 45 calories and 9 g of sugar.

For more handy health bites, visit our lifestyle page.


Hannah McLaren

I've worked at DC Thomson for six years! I began as an intern at My Weekly and The Scots Magazine, which was extended by a few months to help out at The People's Friend. I then covered maternity as Celebrity Editor for My Weekly, before I became Multimedia Journalist at The Scots Magazine. Currently I'm writing digital content across each title.

All About Hidden Sugar

iStock_000055491108_Large Orange sugar in fruit

The latest nutritional advice on fruit juice states that the experts may have got it wrong.

Far from being a healthy and safe choice, some fruit juice actually has as much sugar content as a can of fizzy soft drink.

If you like a glass of fruit juice to start your day and don’t want to give it up, try diluting it with water to cut down on the sugar. Or eat an orange instead and have a glass of water with it.

Bear in mind that one 8 oz glass of orange juice contains 112 calories and 21 g of sugar, whereas a whole orange has only 45 calories and 9 g of sugar.

For more handy health bites, visit our lifestyle page.



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