Our 1914 Cookery Editor’s World War I Kitchen

World War I

As we reach the 100th Anniversary of the Armistice, here in the “Friend” office we’re remembering those affected by World War I, at home and abroad.

As 1914 drew to a close, it was clear the war was unlikely to be over by Christmas. Wounded troops made their way home from the Front, in need of nourishing food to aid recovery.

The “Friend” Cookery Editor was mindful of the need to provide recipes to strengthen and cheer those who were convalescing.

Here’s a recipe unearthed in our Archives. It’s from 1916, the mid-point of the War.

To Strengthen And Cheer

Get a few sprays of carrageen or about ¼ oz., 1 pint of new milk, 1 teaspoonful sugar, ½ teaspoonful vanilla or lemon essence.

Soak the carrageen in tepid water for ten minutes, when it will resume its former snowy-white appearance. Pour off water, add the milk, seeing that it is perfectly fresh, as carrageen has the property of curdling milk if the least tainted. Bring to boiling point, simmer for one hour. Strain, sweeten to taste, and boil for two minutes. Add essence, then pour in mould. When cold serve with fresh or stewed or tinned fruit if desired. If you are anxious to economise, no essence, less sugar and half quantity of water will make a delicious blanc mange.

Lower Incomes

Kitty was conscious of food shortages, and that many households were adjusting to lower incomes. She tried to show “how to make the most appetising dishes with the smallest expenditure of money and materials”.

As always, our magazine endeavoured to be a friend to those in need, suggesting meat-free days and providing economical recipes. And we never forgot our dear ones on the Front line.

My dear Housewives, there are few, if any, of us who have not someone near and dear to us who is fighting for our country’s cause and sharing the hardships of this awful war.

I’m told there’s nothing cheers Tommy’s heart like receiving a hamper of home-made goodies. It comes as a welcome change to his everlasting bully beef, and shows that the loving hearts he left behind him are ever mindful of his comfort.

The recipes I am giving this week are all dainties you could pack, so I hope you will try them when preparing your next hamper.

Click here to find out all about cooking with a hay box during World War I.

Lucy Crichton

Better known as “Fiction Editor Lucy”, I am always on the look-out for the very best short stories, poems and pocket novels. As well as sourcing enjoyable content, I enjoy working with our established contributors, encouraging new talent, and celebrating 155 years of “Friend” fiction!

Our 1914 Cookery Editor’s World War I Kitchen

World War I

As we reach the 100th Anniversary of the Armistice, here in the “Friend” office we’re remembering those affected by World War I, at home and abroad.

As 1914 drew to a close, it was clear the war was unlikely to be over by Christmas. Wounded troops made their way home from the Front, in need of nourishing food to aid recovery.

The “Friend” Cookery Editor was mindful of the need to provide recipes to strengthen and cheer those who were convalescing.

Here’s a recipe unearthed in our Archives. It’s from 1916, the mid-point of the War.

To Strengthen And Cheer

Get a few sprays of carrageen or about ¼ oz., 1 pint of new milk, 1 teaspoonful sugar, ½ teaspoonful vanilla or lemon essence.

Soak the carrageen in tepid water for ten minutes, when it will resume its former snowy-white appearance. Pour off water, add the milk, seeing that it is perfectly fresh, as carrageen has the property of curdling milk if the least tainted. Bring to boiling point, simmer for one hour. Strain, sweeten to taste, and boil for two minutes. Add essence, then pour in mould. When cold serve with fresh or stewed or tinned fruit if desired. If you are anxious to economise, no essence, less sugar and half quantity of water will make a delicious blanc mange.

Lower Incomes

Kitty was conscious of food shortages, and that many households were adjusting to lower incomes. She tried to show “how to make the most appetising dishes with the smallest expenditure of money and materials”.

As always, our magazine endeavoured to be a friend to those in need, suggesting meat-free days and providing economical recipes. And we never forgot our dear ones on the Front line.

My dear Housewives, there are few, if any, of us who have not someone near and dear to us who is fighting for our country’s cause and sharing the hardships of this awful war.

I’m told there’s nothing cheers Tommy’s heart like receiving a hamper of home-made goodies. It comes as a welcome change to his everlasting bully beef, and shows that the loving hearts he left behind him are ever mindful of his comfort.

The recipes I am giving this week are all dainties you could pack, so I hope you will try them when preparing your next hamper.

Click here to find out all about cooking with a hay box during World War I.


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