Writer Of The Week: Charlotte Sabin
Our Writer of the Week is Charlotte Sabin. Charlotte’s short story, “An Epic Romance”, appears in the March 27 issue of the magazine.
After numerous attempts, this is your first published “Friend” story. How much does it mean to have one of your stories appear in the magazine?
It means the world to me to have one of my stories accepted by such a famous and popular magazine that publishes high quality fiction.
I knew if I kept writing and submitting stories that one day I would become a published author and join the “Friend Family”. I am extremely proud of myself that I never gave up hope.
Your story is loosely based on “Romeo And Juliet”. Is romance a favourite genre of yours?
As you can see by the photograph I chose, I am a hopeless romantic and love everything to do with romance. I enjoy writing and reading romance stories and “Romeo And Juliet” just happens to be my favourite love story of all time.
The balcony scene in your story is full of humour. Was it important to you to balance the humour and romance in the story?
Oh, most definitely. Love and laughter releases endorphins. So, by mixing both of these emotions together, in my eyes this create a perfect “feel-good” story, and who doesn’t want to feel good!
What goals do you hope to achieve with your writing?
I hope to have more of my short stories in print and on the shelves for people to enjoy. I also hope to write a Pocket Novel, or at least the first draft as having a day job and being a mum of two can keep me very busy.
Notebook and pencil or laptop? Kitchen table or study? Blank wall or inspiring view?
Laptop on my lap, on my comfy sofa, or at the kitchen table. It all depends on where the children are, and where I can find a little peace and quiet.
Though some background music is always nice to create an inviting atmosphere.
P.S., What’s your one top tip for aspiring writers?
Never, ever, give up. You will receive rejections, but one day you could get that email to say you succeeded and you achieved what you may have thought was impossible.
I very nearly gave up on my dream of becoming a writer for the women’s magazine market. I’m so glad I didn’t.
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