Writing Prompt: Toys

Shutterstock / Billion Photos © toys

A question on Facebook was the spark behind this writing prompt – what were the “it” toys when you were younger? It goes to show that inspiration can come from anywhere! 

As we discussed our memories of the toys we’d had, we realised that there is always a story behind them. 

Where did it come from? 

Who gifted it? Where did they buy it? Is its source a mystery, lost to time? 

Your story could be about somebody trying to find the perfect gift for their new niece, nephew, grandchild, younger sibling or cousin. 

What fun, childish name stuck? Did the child keep it for many years and pass it down to their children? Did it spend years locked away in an attic or a box in the garage only to be rediscovered? 

Re-gifting and rejuvenating 

Maybe your story is about re-gifting a toy. Is it time part ways and give old toys to a charity?  

Does your character run a re-homing charity for toys? Do they fix old dolls up, give them a makeover and send them back into the world for a new generation to enjoy? Paint over chipped trains or sew teddy bears back together? 

The “it” toy 

When we’re younger, most of us learn that we can’t always have what we want. Is there an “it” toy that is too expensive? Maybe it’s so popular that no one can find it anywhere – it’s completely sold out.  

It might be that there’s a particular toy shared between two children, but one child doesn’t know how to share. 

Perhaps the feud begins again, decades later, when their parents decide to do a clear out. Which child will get to keep the coveted toy? 

Fun days 

Do you remember toy days at school? You were allowed to bring in a toy for the day and play with it. One of the most exciting days of the year!  

Is there a story there? Perhaps from a teacher’s point of view. It can’t have been easy to make sure that everyone left with the right toy! 

Did you ever win a toy at a fair or raffle? Was it prized above others for that reason? Did somebody else win it for you? 

A trip to the toy shop was always a day to treasure. Does your character own a toy shop or make toys?

Discover more writing prompts from The People’s Friend.

Abigail Phillips

Abbie is the newest member of the fiction team at the "Friend." She loves how varied the role is - every day is different and there is always a new story to read. She is keen to work closely with established writers and discover new writers, too.

Writing Prompt: Toys

Shutterstock / Billion Photos © toys

A question on Facebook was the spark behind this writing prompt – what were the “it” toys when you were younger? It goes to show that inspiration can come from anywhere! 

As we discussed our memories of the toys we’d had, we realised that there is always a story behind them. 

Where did it come from? 

Who gifted it? Where did they buy it? Is its source a mystery, lost to time? 

Your story could be about somebody trying to find the perfect gift for their new niece, nephew, grandchild, younger sibling or cousin. 

What fun, childish name stuck? Did the child keep it for many years and pass it down to their children? Did it spend years locked away in an attic or a box in the garage only to be rediscovered? 

Re-gifting and rejuvenating 

Maybe your story is about re-gifting a toy. Is it time part ways and give old toys to a charity?  

Does your character run a re-homing charity for toys? Do they fix old dolls up, give them a makeover and send them back into the world for a new generation to enjoy? Paint over chipped trains or sew teddy bears back together? 

The “it” toy 

When we’re younger, most of us learn that we can’t always have what we want. Is there an “it” toy that is too expensive? Maybe it’s so popular that no one can find it anywhere – it’s completely sold out.  

It might be that there’s a particular toy shared between two children, but one child doesn’t know how to share. 

Perhaps the feud begins again, decades later, when their parents decide to do a clear out. Which child will get to keep the coveted toy? 

Fun days 

Do you remember toy days at school? You were allowed to bring in a toy for the day and play with it. One of the most exciting days of the year!  

Is there a story there? Perhaps from a teacher’s point of view. It can’t have been easy to make sure that everyone left with the right toy! 

Did you ever win a toy at a fair or raffle? Was it prized above others for that reason? Did somebody else win it for you? 

A trip to the toy shop was always a day to treasure. Does your character own a toy shop or make toys?

Discover more writing prompts from The People’s Friend.


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