Poet Of The Week: Judy Jarvie

Judy Jarvie

We chat to “Friend” poet Judy Jarvie about her poem “Tea Set” which is in “The People’s Friend Annual 2024” which is out now.

Tell us about your poem “Tea Set” and the inspiration behind it.

Many of us have a few heirloom tea things (myself included) and we treasure them. I’m also often struck by tea sets with tiny dainty cups in charity shop windows which make me wonder if they too were once treasured and in pride of place. That sparked the thought.

How long have you been writing poetry?

I won a money gift token for coming first in a poetry competition at primary school aged eight. I enthusiastically assumed it would make me rich and famous! Seriously though, poetry is like doing sodoku or puzzles. I challenge my brain to make a short sharp story in rhyme for fun. It’s quite addictive.

Where do your ideas come from?

“The Friend” is a fabulous magazine for poetry as they definitely have a warm, friendly, chatty yet observational feel and that’s inspiring in itself. I use things I notice in daily life mostly and often memories or family are featured. I’m partial to a funny poem every now and then as everybody likes an unexpected chuckle.

Who are some of your favourite poets?

When I was young my treat for enduring having a tooth out was several Pam Ayres books. One of them had her “I Wish I’d Looked After Me Teeth”. I was hooked on funny poetry and poems with a point to ponder ever since then. I also love Rabbie Burns who’s pretty hard to top.

Thank you, Judy!

Tracey Steel

Having worked on a number of magazines over the years, Tracey has found her perfect place on The Friend as she’s obsessed with reading and never goes anywhere without a book! She reads all the PF stories with a mug of tea close by and usually a bit of strong cheese too!