The Lombardi Emeralds- Episode 14

The Pocket Novel cover for The Lombardi Emeralds with woman in a green dressing, man in a black shirt behind her on a seaside backdrop at sunset

The expression on Vin’s face softened. “I can tell you the relationship between Florence and Auguste suits them both. Andreas’s death left a big hole in everyone’s lives and Florence turned to Auguste for comfort. He looked after her and Rebecca, as we all did.”

“Thank you for that,” May replied.

“Do you have any other questions?” he asked.

“I do have one.” May came to a decision.

“Yes?” The wary look replaced Vin’s smile.

“When am I free to leave?”

“You don’t want to stay on?”

“I’m beginning to think some secrets should remain hidden. My mother must have had a good reason for not telling me about her past and I have to respect her decision.”

“I don’t agree.”

“You must realise by now I am not here to steal the family silver or to kidnap Sr Lombardi.”

“I don’t think I really believed that was your aim in the first place but I was intrigued as to what you were up to.”

“I’ve told Florence that Tish Delacourt is my mother and the reason I decided to attend the party was as family representative. So everyone now knows who I am and why I am here.”

Vin paced the carpet, a thoughtful frown wrinkling his forehead.

“All the same, my decision still stands.”

“What decision?”

“That you will stay on.”

“Aren’t you rather overstepping your authority? You have no right to detain me.” May now wished she had taken the opportunity to tighten Vin’s tie and not straighten it.

“I am Sr Lombardi’s right-hand man.”

“At the autodromo. Here at the villa you’re a guest like everyone else.”

“As you say,” he acknowledged.

“May I ask why you are trying to stop me from leaving?”

“Because of your earrings.”

“I beg your pardon? What have my earrings got to do with anything?”

“I want to know why you are wearing vintage anemone emeralds surrounded by brilliant cut diamonds.”

“Would you mind repeating that?” May gasped.

“I suspect they are part of the famous

Lombardi collection and I’m sure I’m not the only one who would like to know what they are doing in your possession.”

    *     *     *     *

How dare you?” May stepped back, her eyes burning with anger.

“How dare I what?” Vin looked perplexed.

“Accuse me of theft.”

“I’m not!” Vin protested.

“You said . . . ” May began, but Vin interrupted.

“The Lombardi emeralds went missing years ago. Out of the blue you turn up and try to bluff your way into Auguste Lombardi’s eightieth birthday brunch. The next evening you are seen wearing the missing emeralds to his party. You have to admit it looks suspicious.”

“What makes you such an expert on

vintage jewellery?”

“I know the real thing when I see it and I have seen pictures of the missing emeralds.”

“This time you are wrong. My earrings are costume. They are coloured glass.”

“How can you be certain?”

May floundered for an explanation. The diamonds sparkled back at her in the mirror.

“My mother gave them to me,” she finished in a lame voice. Vin lowered his eyes as if reluctant to display his disbelief. “Anyway, how can you be certain they are the real thing?”

Vin glanced at his watch with a worried frown.

“I spoke out of turn. I’m sorry. We’ll talk later.”

“We’ll talk now,” May insisted.

A powdered footman announced his arrival with a discreet cough.

“Signor? Signorina?”

“Yes, we’re coming. Please,” Vin turned back to May, “don’t mention any of this to Auguste,” he implored. “It would upset him.”

May swallowed to ease the dryness in her mouth.

“The reason I came to Bella Acqua was to find out what happened here with my mother,” she said in a softer voice. “I’m not a thief and neither is Tish.”

“We’ll sort it out.” Vin gave her arm a comforting squeeze. “I’m on your side and it would do no good upsetting Auguste’s birthday celebrations by making a scene, would it?”

May was forced to give a reluctant nod of her head.

“I won’t say anything,” she promised.

“And I’ll do all I can to help you solve your mystery – so, friends?”

“As long as there are no more accusations about me or members of my family being crooks.”

“There won’t be.” Vin raised her hand to his lips. “There. Sealed with a kiss.” May stiffened and Vin took a step backwards. “You’re not going to rage at me for making a gesture of friendship, are you?”

May extricated her hand from Vin’s.


“Good, now if we delay any longer

Auguste will think we’re not coming.”

May followed Vin outside to where the footman was waiting for them. He held his lighted candelabra aloft.

“Please take care. The ground is uneven in places.”

As they made their way through the camellia-scented gardens towards the muted chatter of the guests already assembled on the terrace, May was unable to dispel thoughts of her earrings.


Tracey Steel

Having worked on a number of magazines over the years, Tracey has found her perfect place on The Friend as she’s obsessed with reading and never goes anywhere without a book! She reads all the PF stories with a mug of tea close by and usually a bit of strong cheese too!